This is a short note explaining how to construct the sparse representation of the transverse-field Ising model. It is intended as a reading material for Berkeley Physics DRP, but I figured this might be useful for broader audience as well.
The article assumes knowledge of quantum mechanics (especially familiarity with spin-1/2 and Pauli matrices) and some familiarity with coding. All the code exmaples are provides in Julia, but you can more or less treat them as pseudocodes if you are unfamiliar with the language.
Transverse filed Ising model(TFIM) with open boundary condition is given by the following Hamiltonian:
where are Pauli spin matrices for spin-1/2. We hope to represent this as a matrix, so that we can diagonalize it to find the ground state.
We first need to figure out how to represent our basis states. Following convention, we map spin-up and spin-down spin to 0 and 1:
A state with -spins can then be represented by a string of 's and 's. For example, a state with spin-down's is . Such a string can be interepreted as a binary number. Therefore, we will label our basis states by integer in range such that the binary representation of the index corresponds to the state's spin configuration. The function for extracting spin configuration is straightforward:
N = 4
index = 3
configuration = string(index, base=2, pad=N)
@show configuration
configuration = "0011"
A Hamiltonian for spin-1/2 spins is a dimensional matrix. In order to store it densely, we would store entries. This quickly becomes impractical: the size of the matrix goes past 1 TB at mere 18 spins.
However, the matrix is in fact very sparse. Let's look at the action of on the basis states. flips spin, so its action is:
Crucially, acting with creates another basis state. Therefore, for given , there is at most one basis state for each basis state such that is nonzero. Using this counting for all and , we conclude that there are at most nonzero metrix elements of H coming from terms. Similar counting argument tells us there are at most terms from terms.
Therefore, the sparcity(the number of nonzero entries divided by the size) of this matrix is at most
As increases, the matrix becomes very sparse.
There are different ways to represent a sparse matrix, each suitable for different purposes. For sparse matrix construction, we use the coordinate list (COO) representation. The representation stores a list of row indices I
, a list of column indices J
, and a list of values V
, such that the n
th nonzero value has row index I[n]
, column index J[n]
, and value V[n]
For our problem, we first fix the column index column_index
, and a particular term in the Hamiltonian . Then, we can calculate the unique row_index
such that value=
is nonzero. We repeat this for all column indices and terms. Here is a Julia code for doing this:
A version that only does Sx terms. Generalizing this to include Sz terms is straightforward.
function create_sparse_TFIM(N, J)
I = Int[]
J = Int[]
V = ComplexF64[]
for column_index in 1:2^N-1, i in 1:N-1
row_index = get_unique_row_index(column_index, i, N)
push!(I, row_index)
push!(J, column_index)
push!(V, J)
return I, J, V
It is a fun exercise to think about how to implement get_unique_row_index
function. You should think about this yourself! Read on once you come up with your own implementation.
Here is one implementation:
function get_unique_row_index(column_index, i, N)
reference_bits = 3 << (N + i - 3)
return column_index ⊻ reference_bits
Where <<
is the left bitwise shift operator and ⊻
is the XOR operator. Why does this work? To see this, notice that spin flip can be implemented via XOR operation:
The bit shift operator adjusts the location of depending on the operator location .
Once we are done creating the COO representation, we can transform that to other formats that are more suitable for linear algebra. Julia provides a builtin compressed sparse row(CSC) representation, which can be created as follows:
using SparseArrays
I, J, V = create_sparse_TFIM(N, J)
H = sparse(I, J, V)
Now you can use standard sparse eigensolvers. Julia provides a binding to arpack
, which we can call like this:
using Arpack
vals, vecs = eigs(H, nev=3)
Other scientific languages (Python, R, Matlab, etc.) have their own libraries for sparse matrix linear algebra.