Function like objects and closures

posted: 2020-11-05 | last modified: 2023-10-25 | Tomohiro Soejima

Functions are "first-class citizens" in julia. Accordingly, there are a lot of neat tricks you can play with functions such as function closures. On the other hand, there are some pitfalls when using functions that were not obvious to me at first sight. This post is an attempt to document and clarify how functions behave.

Julia functions

Julia functions are first-class citizens

You can define a named function and assign that to a variable.

f(x) = 2x
g = f

g # show this
f (generic function with 1 method)

We can also define anonymous functions via x->f(x) syntax:

f2 = x->2x
g2 = f2
g2 # show this
#1 (generic function with 1 method)

Note that anonymous functions are labeled by some number (e.g. #1) instead of its name.

Named functions behave kind of like constants, in the sense it cannot be reassigned.

f(x) = 2x
f = x->3x # invalid redefinition of constant f
invalid redefinition of constant f

Meanwhile, variables that were assigned anonymous functions can be reassigned with no problem

f2 = x->2x
f2 = x->3x # this redefinition happens without any problem
@show f2(2)
f2(2) = 6

Function definition inside if-else block

Because of this const-like nature of functions, there are some pitfalls you might encounter. Consider the following example:

function get_q(condition)
    if condition
        q(::Int) = println("Cond was true")
        q(::Float64) = println("I don't like Float")
        q(::Int) = println("I don't like Int")
        q(::Float64) = println("Cond was false")
    return q

q = get_q(true)
q = get_q(false)
I don't like Int
Cond was false
UndefVarError: q not defined

We immediately see two issues. 1. q returns the results for condition == false, even though we passed condition == true. 2. When we pass condition==false, the code faces and UndefVarError. This seems to come from how Julia parser works: The parser parses function definitions in a given local scope without regarding the control flow, so it makes the later appearance the definition of q.

A clean way to get around this problem is to use let blocks to introduce new local scopes:

function get_q(condition)
    fun = if condition
            q(::Int) = println("Cond was true")
            q(::Float64) = println("I don't like Float")
            q(::Int) = println("I don't like Int")
            q(::Float64) = println("Cond was false")
    return fun

q = get_q(true)
q2 = get_q(false)
Cond was true
I don't like Float
I don't like Int
Cond was false

Julia functions are their own types

There are functions that take other functions as argument. These so-called higher-order functions are very useful in Julia. A simple example is a sum function:

f(x) = 2x
@show sum(f, 1:10)
sum(f, 1:10) = 110

In order for this sum to be fast, you want it to specialize to the particular function f you passed. In order to allow this, every function is its own type such that Julia's type system can take care of code specialization (where is this in the documentation?). In particular, this means two functions with the same definition have different types, and are thus different objects.

f(x) = 2x
h(x) = 2x
@show (typeof(f) == typeof(h))
@show f == h

f2 = x->2x
h2 = x->2x

@show(typeof(f2) == typeof(h2))
@show f2 == h2
typeof(f) == typeof(h) = false
f == h = false
typeof(f2) == typeof(h2) = false
f2 == h2 = false

A straightforward consequence of this is that compiling a function with f does not compile it for g.

f(x) = 2x
h(x) = 2x

function mysum(f, data)
    sum = zero(eltype(data))
    for a in data
        sum += f(a)

data = rand(1000)
@time mysum(f, data) # includes compilation time
@time mysum(f, data) # after compilation
@time mysum(h, data) # compilation again
  0.005588 seconds (9.88 k allocations: 492.675 KiB)
  0.000001 seconds
  0.004535 seconds (5.80 k allocations: 287.255 KiB)

Function-like objects

Defining callable type

Julia has objects other than functions that behave like one. These are called function-like objects. Here is an example straight out of the julia manual.

struct Polynomial{R}

function (p::Polynomial)(x)
    v = p.coeffs[end]
    for i = (length(p.coeffs)-1):-1:1
        v = v*x + p.coeffs[i]
    return v

p = Polynomial([1, 10, 100])
@show p(5)
p(5) = 2551

In other words, function-like objects can be thought of as functions that carry extra data. This gives us access to closures.


Closures are functions that can reference its own environment. It is usually defined inside another function. Here is a simple example.

function getfunc()
    count = 0
    function g()
        count += 1
        return count

func = getfunc()
@show func()
@show func()
@show func()
func() = 1
func() = 2
func() = 3

Here, the function func carries around the variable const, and it increments it every time the function is called. The closure behaves very similarly to the following function-like object:

mutable struct Closure
    counter :: Int

function (c::Closure)()
    c.counter += 1
    return c.counter

c = Closure(0)
@show c()
@show c()
@show c()
c() = 1
c() = 2
c() = 3

In other words, a closure is a function with extra (potentially mutable) data.

Not all closures are created equal

There's a performance caveat regarding the use of closures. We first test @code_warntype of func().

@code_warntype func()



1 ─ %1  = Core.getfield(#self#, :count)::CORE.BOX
│   %2  = Core.isdefined(%1, :contents)::Bool
└──       goto #3 if not %2
2 ─       goto #4
3 ─       Core.NewvarNode(:(count@_2))
└──       count@_2
4 ┄ %7  = Core.getfield(%1, :contents)::ANY
│   %8  = (%7 + 1)::ANY
│   %9  = Core.getfield(#self#, :count)::CORE.BOX
│         Core.setfield!(%9, :contents, %8)
│   %11 = Core.getfield(#self#, :count)::CORE.BOX
│   %12 = Core.isdefined(%11, :contents)::Bool
└──       goto #6 if not %12
5 ─       goto #7
6 ─       Core.NewvarNode(:(count@_3))
└──       count@_3
7 ┄ %17 = Core.getfield(%11, :contents)::ANY
└──       return %17

It is screaming type instability (see Body::Any) because the compiler cannot figure out counter only takes on integer values (It is in fact put inside a Core.Box, a julia type for handling variables with unknown value). As a result, this particular closure is a lot slower than a similar looking function-like object.

c = Closure(0)
func = getfunc()

using BenchmarkTools
@btime $c()
@btime $func();
  1.900 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  23.092 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

Type annotation somewhat helps, but it is not enough to eliminate the performance gap.

function getfunc2()
    counter::Int = 0
    function f()
        counter::Int += 1
        return counter

func2 = getfunc2()

@btime $c()
@btime $func2();
  1.900 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  11.612 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

Closure and let blocks

Part of the problem in the previous section was the appearance of in type inference. In some cases, we can eliminate such ambiguity via clever use of let...end blocks.

Let's look at an example from the Julia manual.

function abmult2(r0::Int)
    r::Int = r0
    if r < 0
        r = -r
    f = x -> x * r
    return f

mul2 = abmult2(-2)
@show mul2(2)
using InteractiveUtils
@code_warntype mul2(2)
mul2(2) = 4

1 ─ %1 = Core.getfield(#self#, :r)::CORE.BOX
│   %2 = Core.isdefined(%1, :contents)::Bool
└──      goto #3 if not %2
2 ─      goto #4
3 ─      Core.NewvarNode(:(r))
└──      r
4 ┄ %7 = Core.getfield(%1, :contents)::ANY
│   %8 = Core.typeassert(%7, Main.FD_SANDBOX_543891907902936212.Int)::Int64
│   %9 = (x * %8)::Int64
└──      return %9

We again see the dreaded The reason is the value of r can, in theory, be changed, and Julia needs to keep track of that fact by putting r in a box. However, when we return something like this, we actually want to return a function with a fixed r. We can do that using a let...end block.

function abmult3(r0::Int)
    r::Int = r0
    if r < 0
        r = -r
    f = let r2 = r
        x -> x * r2
    return f

mul3 = abmult3(-2)
@show mul3(2)
@code_warntype mul3(2)
mul3(2) = 4

1 ─ %1 = Core.getfield(#self#, :r2)::Int64
│   %2 = (x * %1)::Int64
└──      return %2

let...end introduces a new local scope. Inside the local scope, a new variable r2 is bound to the value of r at the time of evaluation. Since r2 goes out of scope, Julia compiler is able to remove

Removing comes with a great performance benefit. In fact, the resultin function mul3 is almost as performant as a similar top level function.

mul0 = x->2x

@btime $mul0(2)
@btime $mul2(2)
@btime $mul3(2);
  0.001 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  3.000 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  1.700 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Note that such care is necessary even if the closure is only used inside the function itself.

function mulsum0(r0::Int, data)
    f = x->x * r0
    return sum(f, data)

function abmulsum1(r0::Int, data)
    if r0 < 0
        r0 = -r0
    f = let r0 = r0
        x->x * r0
    return sum(f, data)

function abmulsum2(r0::Int, data)
    if r0 < 0
        r0 = -r0
    f = x->x * r0
    return sum(f, data)

r0 = -2
data = rand(1000)

@btime mulsum0($r0, $data)
@btime abmulsum1($r0, $data)
@btime abmulsum2($r0, $data);
  201.835 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  200.500 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  41.400 μs (3000 allocations: 46.88 KiB)

Miscallaneous anonymous function appearances

There are other places where anonymous functions are useful. One prominent example is generators.

mygen = (2x for x in 1:10)

This 2x here is really an anonymous function. To make it explicit, we can instead write

mygen2 = Base.Generator(x->2x, 1:10)

Since generator carries an anonymous function, performance concerns about captured variables also applie to them. Consider the following functions:

function mygenmul(r0)
    if r0 < 0
        r0 = -r0
    return (2r0*x for x in 1:10)

function mygenmul2(r0)
    if r0 < 0
        r0 = -r0
    return let r0 = r0
        (2r0*x for x in 1:10)

mygen1 = mygenmul(-2)
mygen2 = mygenmul2(-2)

@btime sum($mygen1)
@btime sum($mygen2);
  554.977 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  3.100 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second function is markedely faster than the first one, precisely because of the issue with captured variables.

Summary and performance tips

There are many different ways of defining function-like objects in julia, which lets the function carry some external data. When used correctly, these objects help us write powerful and performant Julia code. On the other hand, there are somewhat subtle performance pitfalls that one needs to be aware of. Here is a short summary of what to do in different scenarios.

  1. If you want to change the binding of the data (e.g. the counter example, where Closure.counter needed to be updated), callable mutable struct is your best bet.

  2. If you want to modify the data from outside of the function, callable struct is the way to go, since you can easily access the data via

  3. If you don't need to directly access the data, and you don't need to change the binding, normal closure does the job. However, be careful with captured variables, and use let...end blocks as appropriate.

I hope that was useful, and please feel free to send me some comments!